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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weight Loss, Fad Diets, Fats and Cholesterol in Fat Loss to Weight Loss Program

Eating low fat diet and no fat diet seem to confuse the weigt loss industry and complicate the weight loss plan because the whole concept of fat loss is built on wrong ideology. People eat the way they think and until erroneous thinking about weight loss is corrected, the weight loss plan will continue to fail.
Obesity or systemic weight gain is an epidemic in the United States of America and other places where there is an import of the standard American diet (SAD). Some troubling Statistics estimates that 68% of U. S. population is either over weight or obese. And it is said that 1 out of 3 Americans is suffering from some form of clinical obesity. Obesity is now a major health problem in children and teenagers.

Regardless of the proliferation of low fat, no fat foods and endless release of fad diets, these troubling statistics seem rather to be increasing in incidence. Weight loss gurus and fat loss companies come up with newer and contradictory dietary programs daily. Most of these recycled weight loss diets do not work. Some best selling examples include Atkin's diet (some call it fatkins), the Zone, South Beach Diet, ABS diet, Cave Man Diet, the Origin diet, and all sorts of diet program, books, CDs, and over-night fat loss tips.

 The naked truth is that even if people lose weight with these fad diets, 95% of them gain it back and some more in less than a year.
Oprah Winfrey made news a some years ago when she lost 67 pounds and gained it all back weighing eighty four pounds a year later. She is not alone in this predicament. I also know of a popular televangelsit who shed several pounds in a year and even wrote a best-seller titled: "Lay Aside the Weight." I must submit that the last time I checked, he had gained it back and quit talking about how to lose weight. The story of weight loss and not keeping it off is always the same regardless of who is involved. Christendom doesn't eat differently from the rest of the world, either.

I remember a woman asked me a piercing question a few of years ago, "Why are all these men of God so fat?"
"Excess food," I answered. "We don't teach gluttony as sin in the Church. The Scriptures says that if a man is given to appetite, he should put a sword down his throat for a binge."

I related all this story to state that the multibillion dollar Fat loss industry is built on a wrong  and shaky foundation. Any house that is built on wrong foundation cannot stand. As long as the dominant philosophy is to lose weight, people will lose weight and gain it back. Most of these fad diets are depriving and unnatural. That's why under stress of any kind, people will always go back to what is convenient to them which is junk food. The mind is the greatest pattern recognition organ and people have an image of their ideal weight before they embark on weight loss program. And the mind will always goes back to its original programming of eating even when it will harm the person.

I had a conversion with a former pro-footballer who was complained to me about his weight gain. He kept on saying, "I want to lose weight--I lost 60 pounds before. I can do it again."

I kept trying to correct his thinking by saying to him that weight is not the problem--only an outward sign of inner imbalance. Yet, he did not seem to get the point. Obesity is the symptom rather than the source of the problem. If you address the cause or source, the symptom will disappear sooner or later. He is not interested in learning how to change his weight loss philosophy; neither is he willing to know about healthy eating habits. When you don't like the fruit, change the seed. The fruit you're looking for started in the root system. This is the sad story about many obese people struggling to lose weight.

Blaming fat consumption and dietry cholesterol is not the problem, either. In fact, one of the causes of weight gain is lack of the healthy essential fat that helps burn the wrong fat. The problem is not cholesterol in the diet because 80% of cholesterol is made in the liver. Dietry cholesterol is an insignificant factor in weight gain. We need cholesterol in our diet to take the pressure off of an overworked liver.Nutrition Science itself is an evolving science--a sort of all-comers course, so to speak. We are still learning about cholesterol and fats and the facts are still unfolding.

We know that there are the good, the bad and the ugly fat. fatty acids and triglycerides. Cholesterol is not even classified as fat.

The good fats are the anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids that we must have in our diet because they are necessary to build cell membranes, nerve function and reproduction. The essential fatty acids are Omega 3, 6 and 9. We should consume more of them in that order. The problem here is balance. We should have more of the good omega-3. The ratio of Omega 3 and 6 is 1:4. Flax seed, chia seed oil and Salmon are good sources of healthy Omega fatty acids. Udo's blend called Udo's Choice has the right combination of all the essential fatty acids.

The bad fats are the saturated animal fats that everybody tends to recognize easily. These are fats of animal origin like chicken, turkey, beef and pork.
The ugly fat is trans-fatty acid that tend to act as free radical and damage the cells. Example her is margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils we find in all sorts of cookies and processed delicacies.
As for cholesterol, it is not fat; it is a yellow substance of sterol origin. And it is never found in plants. Animals need cholesterol to make sex hormones for procreation. All steroid hormones has cholesterol as their precursor. Vitmin D is also made from cholesterol. The problem is excess cholesterol with high blood acidity and sluggish liver. Cholesterol is fat soluble. Therefore lipoproteins in water medium like blood stream to carry cholesterol to the tissues and blood vessels. (Erroneously, they are called cholesterol: High Density Lipoproteins, HDL: Low Density Lipoproteins, LDL; and Very Low Density Lipoproteins, VLDL). HDL is the so called good cholesterol because it brings cholesterol from the blood vessels and tissues back to the liver for disposal, LDL is the bad cholesterol because it does the oposite and VLDL is the very bad cholesterol because it helps with storage of fats in fat cells.

Change your thinking to eating right instead of losing weight, burning calories (exercise) and maintaining a healthy eating habit. Nature will respond by normalizing your ideal weight. It is a bondage counting calories. Don't watch your weight or the scales; watch your eating habits and your weight will take care of itself.
Eighty five percent of weight gain is caused by eating the wrong kind of food, and drink. What is eating us is also important. The body stores junk and excess calories as toxins in fat tissues if they are not water-soluble and can't be excreted by the kidneys. Weight gain is worsened by sedentary life style which is life without exercise. (Please don't start any exercise program without first correcting the nutrition imbalance that created the weight gain in the first place). It's surprising that people blame obesity on their genes, disstress, sweet tooth, emotional problemsl, diabetes, hypoglycemia, ignorance and indiscipline. These are merely the symptoms of imbalance called obesity; it is not the source or cause of the problem. We don't focus on symptoms of imbalance, we correct the cause of the imbalance and the symptoms will take care of itself. source.

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