fat loss to weight loss favorites

Monday, August 29, 2011

Weight Loss Pills: Why your Fat Loss Program Will Fail Without Them

Diet and Exercise is only  two third of your weight loss program. It will take you longer and harder to lose weight if you don't add weight loss pills to your weight loss program. Weight loss pills make you lose fat three times better than if you are without them. They also help to curb hunger, sugar cravings, cholesterol control, normalize blood pressure, hormonal balance, liver detoxification and insulin resistance.

Chromium comes to mind. Chromium is trace mineral that has been found to increase the number and efficacy of insulin receptors. That's why another name for chromium is glucose tolerance factor. It acts as a gate keep that opens the door to the liver, muscle and brain cells to let insulin inside the cells to burn glucose for energy thereby promoting normal blood sugar levels. It also inhibits excess accumulation of fat by adipocytes (fat cells).

However, all chromium supplements are not created equal. The common, cheap and less effective brand is chromium picolinate which is not easily absorbed as such take longer time to work. The new and more effective brand is chromium polynicotinate. Take at least 400 mcg twice daily for maximum efficacy. Research has shows that this polynicotinate form provides a more biologically active form of chromium, which is more absorbable and more bio available in your body. Note that if it is not bio available, it is useless as such you are wasting your money.

Lose Weight to Cure Diabetes, Prediabetes

If you want to lose weight, there is one thing you cannot ignore...better blood sugar levels. If not, your weight loss program is bound to fail. When you lose fat to lose weight, you are likely to cure your diabetes or prediabetes. Many obese people have what is called insulin resistance meaning that the body cannot utilize the insulin the pancreas is pouring out. As such glucose cannot enter the cell to be oxidized as energy. This is where fat cells (adipocytes) take over storing the fat instead of burning them. This shows that insulin resistance is a cause or contributory factor to chronic systemic weight gain.

By the way another name for insulin resistance is borderline or pre-diabetes (the more common name). If left unchecked or with prescription medication, insulin resistance can progress to full-blown type II diabetes.
Healthy weight and balanced blood glucose levels go hand in hand--you really can't have one without the other. In fact, it is estimated that when you have blood sugar elevation due to insulin resistance, you have a 90% chance of being overweight. You need to understand the real link between weight gain and rising blood glucose levels.

It's called insulin resistance. This happens when your body becomes less sensitive to its own insulin, and this makes it harder for insulin to carry blood sugar into your cells where it's used to generate energy. Your body responds by producing even more insulin, and unused glucose then roams your body and turns into fat, especially around your abdomen.

Insulin resistance is associated with pre-diabetes or full diabetes, weight gain in more than 80% of cases, dyslipidemia (high total cholesterol, high LDL, low HDL, and high triglycerides), sometimes high blood pressure and hormonal imbalance like excess estrogen which further increases weight gain. Non-alcoholic fatty liver complicates the whole issue because a healthy liver is also needed to burn fat and control blood cholesterol levels.

The key here is to lose weight by natural means, using holistic diet, whole food multivitamins, green tea and chromium. Chromium is particularly important because it acts as a gate keeper that makes sure that insulin enters the cell by improving insulin sensitivity at the receptor sites. The better chromium is not the popular chromium picolinate but at least 400mg of chromium polynicotinate.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weight Loss, Fad Diets, Fats and Cholesterol in Fat Loss to Weight Loss Program

Eating low fat diet and no fat diet seem to confuse the weigt loss industry and complicate the weight loss plan because the whole concept of fat loss is built on wrong ideology. People eat the way they think and until erroneous thinking about weight loss is corrected, the weight loss plan will continue to fail.
Obesity or systemic weight gain is an epidemic in the United States of America and other places where there is an import of the standard American diet (SAD). Some troubling Statistics estimates that 68% of U. S. population is either over weight or obese. And it is said that 1 out of 3 Americans is suffering from some form of clinical obesity. Obesity is now a major health problem in children and teenagers.

Regardless of the proliferation of low fat, no fat foods and endless release of fad diets, these troubling statistics seem rather to be increasing in incidence. Weight loss gurus and fat loss companies come up with newer and contradictory dietary programs daily. Most of these recycled weight loss diets do not work. Some best selling examples include Atkin's diet (some call it fatkins), the Zone, South Beach Diet, ABS diet, Cave Man Diet, the Origin diet, and all sorts of diet program, books, CDs, and over-night fat loss tips.

 The naked truth is that even if people lose weight with these fad diets, 95% of them gain it back and some more in less than a year.
Oprah Winfrey made news a some years ago when she lost 67 pounds and gained it all back weighing eighty four pounds a year later. She is not alone in this predicament. I also know of a popular televangelsit who shed several pounds in a year and even wrote a best-seller titled: "Lay Aside the Weight." I must submit that the last time I checked, he had gained it back and quit talking about how to lose weight. The story of weight loss and not keeping it off is always the same regardless of who is involved. Christendom doesn't eat differently from the rest of the world, either.

I remember a woman asked me a piercing question a few of years ago, "Why are all these men of God so fat?"
"Excess food," I answered. "We don't teach gluttony as sin in the Church. The Scriptures says that if a man is given to appetite, he should put a sword down his throat for a binge."

I related all this story to state that the multibillion dollar Fat loss industry is built on a wrong  and shaky foundation. Any house that is built on wrong foundation cannot stand. As long as the dominant philosophy is to lose weight, people will lose weight and gain it back. Most of these fad diets are depriving and unnatural. That's why under stress of any kind, people will always go back to what is convenient to them which is junk food. The mind is the greatest pattern recognition organ and people have an image of their ideal weight before they embark on weight loss program. And the mind will always goes back to its original programming of eating even when it will harm the person.

I had a conversion with a former pro-footballer who was complained to me about his weight gain. He kept on saying, "I want to lose weight--I lost 60 pounds before. I can do it again."

I kept trying to correct his thinking by saying to him that weight is not the problem--only an outward sign of inner imbalance. Yet, he did not seem to get the point. Obesity is the symptom rather than the source of the problem. If you address the cause or source, the symptom will disappear sooner or later. He is not interested in learning how to change his weight loss philosophy; neither is he willing to know about healthy eating habits. When you don't like the fruit, change the seed. The fruit you're looking for started in the root system. This is the sad story about many obese people struggling to lose weight.

Blaming fat consumption and dietry cholesterol is not the problem, either. In fact, one of the causes of weight gain is lack of the healthy essential fat that helps burn the wrong fat. The problem is not cholesterol in the diet because 80% of cholesterol is made in the liver. Dietry cholesterol is an insignificant factor in weight gain. We need cholesterol in our diet to take the pressure off of an overworked liver.Nutrition Science itself is an evolving science--a sort of all-comers course, so to speak. We are still learning about cholesterol and fats and the facts are still unfolding.

We know that there are the good, the bad and the ugly fat. fatty acids and triglycerides. Cholesterol is not even classified as fat.

The good fats are the anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids that we must have in our diet because they are necessary to build cell membranes, nerve function and reproduction. The essential fatty acids are Omega 3, 6 and 9. We should consume more of them in that order. The problem here is balance. We should have more of the good omega-3. The ratio of Omega 3 and 6 is 1:4. Flax seed, chia seed oil and Salmon are good sources of healthy Omega fatty acids. Udo's blend called Udo's Choice has the right combination of all the essential fatty acids.

The bad fats are the saturated animal fats that everybody tends to recognize easily. These are fats of animal origin like chicken, turkey, beef and pork.
The ugly fat is trans-fatty acid that tend to act as free radical and damage the cells. Example her is margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils we find in all sorts of cookies and processed delicacies.
As for cholesterol, it is not fat; it is a yellow substance of sterol origin. And it is never found in plants. Animals need cholesterol to make sex hormones for procreation. All steroid hormones has cholesterol as their precursor. Vitmin D is also made from cholesterol. The problem is excess cholesterol with high blood acidity and sluggish liver. Cholesterol is fat soluble. Therefore lipoproteins in water medium like blood stream to carry cholesterol to the tissues and blood vessels. (Erroneously, they are called cholesterol: High Density Lipoproteins, HDL: Low Density Lipoproteins, LDL; and Very Low Density Lipoproteins, VLDL). HDL is the so called good cholesterol because it brings cholesterol from the blood vessels and tissues back to the liver for disposal, LDL is the bad cholesterol because it does the oposite and VLDL is the very bad cholesterol because it helps with storage of fats in fat cells.

Change your thinking to eating right instead of losing weight, burning calories (exercise) and maintaining a healthy eating habit. Nature will respond by normalizing your ideal weight. It is a bondage counting calories. Don't watch your weight or the scales; watch your eating habits and your weight will take care of itself.
Eighty five percent of weight gain is caused by eating the wrong kind of food, and drink. What is eating us is also important. The body stores junk and excess calories as toxins in fat tissues if they are not water-soluble and can't be excreted by the kidneys. Weight gain is worsened by sedentary life style which is life without exercise. (Please don't start any exercise program without first correcting the nutrition imbalance that created the weight gain in the first place). It's surprising that people blame obesity on their genes, disstress, sweet tooth, emotional problemsl, diabetes, hypoglycemia, ignorance and indiscipline. These are merely the symptoms of imbalance called obesity; it is not the source or cause of the problem. We don't focus on symptoms of imbalance, we correct the cause of the imbalance and the symptoms will take care of itself. source.

Fat Loss to Weight Loss, Blood Glucose Control and Lowering Blood Pressure

When you lose weight, you solve the problem of other complications of weight gain which can shorten your life span. Systemic weight gain or obesity is associated with high blood sugar (insulin resistance syndrome) and high blood pressure in more than half of the cases. The seedbed for all these diseases is high blood acid which generates inflammation from excess accumulation of dangerous body fat. This fat also show in the liver as non-alcoholic fatty liver which further complicates your weight loss program since liver is the chief fat burning organ in the body.

Obesity leads to increase total peripheral resistance leading to increased resistance to blood flow. Moreover when there is excess systemic weight gain, the liver is working over time to save your vital organs to keep you alive. It does this by storing away the excess fat around the blood vessels to preserve these important organs. Ironically, you are as healthy or as old as your arteries. Thus, obese people die of cardiovascular disease; so are diabetics.

Obesity also puts pressure on the pancreas leading to insulin resistance and chronic blood sugar elevation or what is known as prediabetes. Insulin resistance or syndrome X is a good of symptom complex consisting of obesity in 80% of cases, raised triglycerides, high LDL (the so called bad cholesterol), low HDL (the good cholesterol), high total cholesterol and systemic hypertension. Of course with raised blood glucose level usually above 100 mg/dl.

When you embark on a program to lose weight by losing unwanted fat, most of these parameters improve. The weight loss program must involve a comprehensive nutrition therapy that involve introduction of green leafy vegetables, green super foods like cereal grasses, low glycemic index foods, detoxification and wise combination of supplements like essential omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid, digestive enzymes and structured exercise. All inflammatory foods like processed foods, fried foods, dairy products, wheat of all kinds, barley, dead animal flesh, refined grains, sugars of all kinds and rancid fats (hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine) and high fructose corn syrups.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weight Loss Secrets: The Tale of Two Fats that Cause Fat Loss

You fight fat to lose weight based on proven scientific research and facts and not on popular believe that is based on misinformation. The proliferation of low fat diet of all kinds has made people to think that all fat is bad. This is why half education is dangerous and half truth boils down to lies. The naked truth is that you can use fat to fight fat and fat can displace one another to cause weight loss. This article is about the tale of two fats: "the skinny fat or the healthy fat" and the "fat that help burn unwanted fat called essential fat."

We shall address the two beneficial fats one after the other. Then discuss how and why they are essential in your fat loss program. This then calls renewal of our mind concerning the whole issue of fat loss to weight loss program:
The skinny fat that help fat loss is called CLA which and acronym for conjugated linoleic acid. This is a healthy fat derived fom the safflower oil. It has two combination of unusual healthy fats that make you lean and slim. CLA decreases the body fat percentage while preserving healthy lean muscle mass. The mechanism of action is believed to be by inducing satiety, reducing hunger and food cravings especially of sugar which is common in fat gain. It probably works on the brain by inducing the release of serotonin which is the hormone responsible for satiety signallling the body to stop eating. It may also induce anti-inflammatory local hormones called prostaglandins. Because nature works in synergy, it is wise to combine this group of healthy fat with essential fatty acids.

The essential fat is rich in omega-3 fats which regulate inflammation, rebuild the DNA, regulate metabolism, rebuild cell walls for growth, regeneration and repair--while reversing the degenerative disease of fat gain.
More importantly, for fat loss, essential fats fight the bad fat by displacing them and helping liver metabolism and thyroid hormones to burn off the bad fats. They also regulate and balance hormones which is an essential factor in fat loss leading to weight loss and preservation of lean muscle mass. Especiall weight gain in aging men and women.

This is how the unsual skinny fat that fight fat and the essential fat that burn fat are critical in your weight loss efforts. Without both fats in your weight loss program, you are setting yourself up to fail.

To learn more about the weight loss by fat loss nutrition program and how you can lose weight naturally and permanently, see the weight loss nutriton program video at: http://tinyurl.com/3sas8nv

Weight Loss Secrets: 5 principles of Natural, Effective and Sustained Weight Loss

When you want to lose weight, bear these four cardinal principles at the back of your mind:

1. Don't try to lose weight; rather decide to eat right and healthy and nature will chose your ideal weight. You can never over-eat on raw wholesome and natural food. Nature itself tends towards wholeness and self-preservation and can't wait to return you back to your ideal weight.

2. You want to lose fat and its toxic contents while gaining or preserving lean muscle mass; then you will achieve sustained but steady weight loss.

3. Be ready to do many things in synergy and combination to address the multiple risk, causative and contributory factors that create weight gain. One thing you do is not going to cut it; neither is taking one magical pill and hope that everything will be alright.

4. Supplement combination is no longer an option but a mandatory part of your weight loss program. The ignored weight loss supplements include digestive enzymes, chromium polynicotinate(not chromium picolinate),  conjugated linoleic acid (to address craving and hunger) and essential fatty acids (using the right fat to burn the bad fat).

5. Like everything in life, weight loss involves change which must be effort-driven and vision empowered. There's no such thing as easy weight loss. If you lose weight too fast, you are likely to gain it all back the same way.

For more information on comprehensive and effective weight loss nutrition program aimed at losing excessive and unwanted fat, see: http://tinyurl.com/3sas8nv

Want to Lose Weight? Discover 6 Things that May Sabotage your Weight Loss Program.

Your attempts at weight loss may be hindered by these four cardinal things or issues you must consider if your weight loss program is to be successful. You must get it right from the get go.

If you don't take care of the following, the weight will not come off or you hit a plateau in your weight loss plan:

1. Sluggish thyroid gland--This is the primary organ of body metabolism. You cannot burn fat or calories without the thyroid gland funcitoning at its peak. Yes, calories do count even though you may not count calories if you follow nature's pathway. A super functioning thyroid helps you burn calories including post pregnancy weight gain. The liver picks up the slack when the thyroid gland is sluggish or over-worked.

2. Chronic systemic low-grade inflammation--Which is the seedbed for all degenerative diseases including obesity. You must stop eating inflammatory foods like junk food, fried foods, processed foods, animal flesh, and dairy. These foods are allergenic and cause immune response which in turn releases free radicals causing oxidation and breakdown of cell ways and weight gain. You must address this if you must lose weight.

3. Eating Acidic Foods--Some people don't even know the difference. Alkalinity puts the body in optimum health, healing mode, immune regulation, regeneration and repair. Acid anywhere burns and create inflammation which sabotages your weight loss efforts. Alkaline foods include cucumbers, raddishes, squash, dandelion greens, turnip greens, collard green, spinarch, broccoli, tomatoes, lemons, avocados, grapefruit, asparagus, cayenne, alfalfa and cereal grasses. Quinoa is a super food, one of only grains that is alkaline and it is more wholistic food than rice, wheat, oat, barley or millet.

4. Hormonal Issues--This is not only thyroid hormone but steroid hormones like estrogen causes weight gain both in men and women. Fat cells in turn behave like endocrine glands and tend to pump out more estrogen that cause further weight gain. Estrogens are also made in fat cells where they cause more fats to be stored especially in women between the belly button and the knees. This is the so called gut-butt obesity. Estrogen also raise the level of cortisol, cause insulin resistance, block re-uptake of thyroid hormone, and prevents the liver from burning excess fat. Estrogen excess can make women gain weight even in their 70's which is long after menopause. If hormonal imbalance is not addressed, weight loss program will be jeopardized.

5. Enzymes--Digestive enzymes are the missing link in most weight loss program. Minerals and vitamins don't work without digestive enzymes. It is found that nearly 90% of people struggling with weight problem lack the enzyme that breakdown fat called lipase. Enzymes work closely with pre-biotics, probiotics and adequate fiber in the diet.

6. Water--This is usually the most common factor that most weight loss enthusiasts always forget. Water is more important than food, pills or even supplements. Don't forget that the body is 70% water and dehydration is always a common culprit in most weight gain problems. This is also because people have developed appetite for all kinds of drink except water. No sugar water or soft drink can technically quench thirst. Moreover, most people suffering from obesity mistake thirst for hunger as such they are always in starvation mode. This because both the appetite center and the thirst center are located next to each other in the emotional brain. People most often interchange one for another which worsens distrupts the weight loss program.

To learn how to lose weight by fast track fat loss nutrition program that is proven, natural, effective and sustained, watch the fat loss to weight loss program

Lose Weight Naturally without Watching the Scales or Counting Calories

The secret to weight loss is to eat through nature. It is a common sense observation that you can never go wrong if you follow the path of nature. If you eat outside nature, you denature. Weight gain or obesity is both a degenerative and a systemic disease. Therefore, one diet pill or fad diet is not going to cut it. There is no panacea or silver bullet. It takes change of lifestyle and total renewal of the mind--what I will call changing your weight loss paradigm.

People have a subconscious image about their weight and body frame even before they attempt any weight loss program. You begin with the end in mind: this is because the problem with weight loss is not losing weight and reaching your weight loss goals; the problem is keeping the weight off. This is because 95% of those who lost weight end up gaining it all back and even some more.

The point here is that you must learn to think differently about the whole business of weight loss if you must be successful at it. First, you must eat in line with natural, wholesome and unprocessed food. Look to eat food as much as possible in their natural state--organic, unpasteurized, un-processed without chemicals, additives or preservatives. You must also introduce raw fruits and vegetables as well as living foods like cereal sprouted grasses and other green super foods. These are foods people traditionally don't like to eat. you must avoid foods that take away your nutrients like alcohols, sugars of all kinds, dairy products, synthetic drugs, and acidic foods. You must engage in progressive and aggressive detoxification and cleansing including introduction of at least 35 grams of fiber daily. Probiotics (good bacteria) and digestive enzymes are added for proper nutrient absorption.

Remember that when there is excess weight, it means that the body is carrying baggages and baggages are carbages. We must start from eating right--especially eating alkaline wholesome diet. Your food choices is very important because nature tends towards wholeness and seem to be wise in chosing your ideal weight when you give it the right nutrients, water, enzymes, probiotics, fiber, exercise and adequate cleansing. It is a total integrated experience; not just doing one easy and lazy thing.

To learn more about proven, effective and sustained fat loss to weight loss program, see the website: http://tinyurl.com/3sas8nv

Friday, August 26, 2011

From Fat Loss to Weight Loss: Why Cleansing and Detox Comes Before Diet

Many people try to lose weight without cleansing and detoxification of their polluted organs and systems--including those who believe they are eating a balanced diet. By the way, the balanced diet is a myth because all of us are suffering from one form nutrient deficiency or another. We must think about the food chain and the food web. When we contaminate nature and our environment, we contaminate our bodies. It is important to think about the source fo our food production. When it comes to what we are putting into our mouth, we must think about the source, supply, preparation, storage, quality and quantity of the food we eat. Pollution of the soil, water supply, and processing of food all affect our body form and function--including weight gain.

The right diet, detox and drainage are necessary in any weight loss program. When we accummulate unecessary fat, it means that we are not burning calories, eliminating toxins and in all pobability we are in starvation mode. The body holds on to fat when it is starving. It is also in fat cells that we store unecessary toxins to preserve the rest of our vital organs.

Detoxification program is three fold:

1. Colon cleansing is the right place to start. It is the key to sustained weight loss program. In fact some people will lose more than 5 pounds in one day just by colon cleansing alone. Probiotics and fiber is necessary addition to any colon cleansing regimen.
2. Liver flushing comes next. The liver is the main fat burning organ in the body when it comes to metabolism. It is even more effective than the thyroid gland in this regard. In fact well nourished and well-functioning liver can balance the thyroid.
3. The next is candida cleanse. Candida can cause any thing including leaky gut syndrome, hormonal changes, toxin release into the blood, sugar craving, inflammation, proliferation of bad bacteria and auto-immune condition which can all contribute to systemic weight gain. Therefore, anti-candida cleanse can address all these concerns and help with dramatic and sustained weight loss.

For more information on permanent, natural and effective weight loss nutrition program, watch the fat loss to weight loss video.

Weight Loss and Mind-Set: An Encounter with Penny Wise Pound Foolish

The other day, a woman who happens to be my pastor friend's mother inlaw showed my all her laboratory tests after her doctor's visit. "The doctor advised me to lose weight," she told me. She also showed me a diet pill she bought on the recommendation of someone which promised to make her lose weight. Of course, the diet pill did not work because weight gain is a multi-factorial problem. A simplistic thinking or a magic pill will not cut it.

I looked at the lab results and saw that she was not just over weight but she also had insulin resistance judging from her HbA1c. By the way HbA1c measures your blood glucose control over a long haul like two or 3 months period unlike the daily fluctuations of random blood sugar. Well, I told her what to do to lose weight; the heartbeat of which was for her to change her diet. There's no change without exchange. Switch to raw wholesome green super food. I advised her to get a grinder/blender. This is because she is in her sixties and digestion and absorption is a factor in weight gain and must also be a factor in her weight loss program. Also I noticed that her systemic weight gain is due to hormonal factors like excess estrogen which has caused inflammation in her body. I also advised that she need aggressive detoxification and cleansing; otherwise the weight will not come off. Anybody with a lot of weight shows that she has been accummulating toxins and must start with colon cleansing.

I gave her a recipe for cleansing and detoxification. She is not willing to change what she is doing which is the main reason she gained the weight in the first place. Going through her dietary history, I noticed as usual that her food was inflammatory like fried wheat based products, roasted nuts, chips, cookies, fried plantain etc, She pretty much eats what other younger members of her family (like her children and grand children) are eating and there was no discipline in eating; or knowing the right and nutritious food selection.

Now here is where the problem is...I told her that she needs to pay for her supplements which cost $87.00. She was not willing to invest in her health to save her life. She was rather complaining of her utility bills and other problems she needed to take care of. This is exactly hte attitude and behavior of most people when it comes to weight loss and fitness. They pay to fix everything else except for their health. The same women paid about $500.00 the previous week to fix her car. Yes, we always give priority to what is of value in our lives. I could not help but wonder within me: "when she is gone, who is gonna drive the car?" My point here is that what we ignore the most is what comes back to bite us the most. When people are younger, they sarcrifice everything at the altar of their health and when they get older, they sarcrifice everything to gain their health back. Remember all the health and longevity benefits or weight loss? Can you place a price tag on your life? This is what I call penny wise pound foolish!

To learn more about effective, proven and permanent weight loss program, Watch the lose weight video at: http://tinyurl.com/3sas8nv

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Weight Loss Psychology: You Must Think Thin to Grow Slim

"Weight loss starts with your dominant mindset. It is the psychology of your thinking that generates the power, the focus and the mental discipline for sustained weight loss. If you don't work on your mind, your weight loss effort will not work or be sustained. Reprogram your mind from 'I want to lose weight to I want to eat right. Eat right and nature will choose your ideal weight for you without all the hassles and rituals. This is simple but many weight watchers don't get it." --Uzo Onukwugha, MD

I always say that weight loss starts with the correct mindset. People's mind sabotage their weight loss efforts which is kind of unconscious. You see, what runs our life is not rational thinking but emotional input which is ingrained subconsciously in the emotional brain called the hypothalamus. It is here that you have the actual location or an association area of the appetite center for food and the thirst center for water. Both centers are close to one another. This is why most people mistake thirst for hunger and vice versa.

Now you can say that man is not a rational animal but an emotional being. We make decisions emotionally and rationalize logically. So is weight loss or whenever we decides to lose weight.

Going deeper than psychology is spiritology. We are spiritual beings trying to have a human experience. Therefore, if pressure or decision to lose weight do not come out of your heart, you are bound to fail. You must make that spiritual shift from your heart before external circustances line up to support your deep seated decision to lose weight. If the decision comes from your spouse, relatives or friends, it is bound to fail. Trust me this has happened again and again. Yes, this people may support your weight loss effort but the decision must come from your deeper mind or the mind of your spirit.

Subconsciously or unconsciously, we have an image of our ideal weight in our deeper mind which happens to run the script intalled in the hard-drive of our life that runs the movie of our destiny including the decision to lose weight. Whenever you make a rational decision, you must develop new mental disciplines to confront the new challenges that will be generated by that change; Otherwise the weight loss decision falls to the ground or when you start, you may not finish it or the weight loss patient may end up in a plateau. This is a situation where you don't know if you will go on or not with the weight loss program.

You must understand that the invisible rules the visible. The unseen world of ideas, thoughts, concepts, belief systems tend to cause an invisible glass ceiling or psychological glass wall that hinder our weight loss efforts.
Most people don't think about these new set of mental disciplines before starting a weight loss program or depriving diet regimen to lose weight. You must change your mindset about weight loss because the mind can be a treasure or it can become a thrash. The change in thinking will lead to change in action and behavior because you behave the way you think. You also think the way you eat and eat the way you think. If you doubt me, watch yourself closely especially the list of food items in your shopping cart.

For more information on proven, sustained and effective fat loss to lose weight nutrition program, watch the fat loss video at: http://tinyurl.com/3sas8nv

Fat Loss to Weight Loss: Reverse the Causes of Fat gain to Achieve Weight Loss

Many people make unsuccessful attempts to lose weight without knowing the causes of systemic weight gain in the first place. First, if you must achieve natural, gradual and sustained weight loss, you must know what caused or contributed to your weight gain so that you can lose fat sensibly, systematically and permanently.

This is the main reason why weight loss fads, programs, pills and diets don't work; neither is the weight loss gurus. Any diet that deprives you cannot be sustained. And any plan that excludes your favorite food without giving you healthy alternatives is bound to fail. Therefore, the first attempt at weight loss is to change your mindset about weight gain and its management. Know that weight gain is a systemic problem that require a comprehensive systematic approach from various perspectives to address all the contributing factors. These factors include proper and balanced nutrition, cleansing and aggressive detoxification, metabolism(calories), glandular problems(sluggish thyroid or liver), water(hydration and dehydration), exercise(fat burning), hormonal(endocrine issues) and digestive problems including introduction of fiber to the diet.

Here are summary of cardinal causes of weight gain that must be addressed in any effective weight loss plan:
  • Nutrition--the quality, quantity and caloric value must be addressed to achieve sustained weight loss.
  • Cleansing especially of colon and the liver is the key to permanent weight loss program. Detox always comes before diet.
  • Address problems with sluggish organs like thyroid gland, liver, adrenals and the pancreas. Insulin resistance is epidemic.
  • Hormonal issues must be addressed otherwise all your efforts at weight loss will fail.
  • Water is often a missing culprit in most weight loss programs. Aggressive hydration is key.
  • Exercise comes after diet, calories and hydration has been addressed. Please don't start with exercise without first addressing the nutrition imbalance.
  • Digestion is part of drainage. Enzymes must be included to make all the nutrients work and to help digest, eliminate and drain away toxins and debris from the body.
  • The issue of fiber must be address. They are the intestinal broom that sweep out unwanted debris, sludge, pollutants and toxins from the intestines.
  • Perhaps the most important aspect of any weight loss program is the psycho-spiritual component. You must have the mindset, discipline, the focus, the resolve before you create the result of sustainable weight loss. I call it having the mindset to finish what you started: the head and heart of a finisher is a must if you must achieve sustainable weight loss. The problem is not losing weight; the problem is always how to keep it off which requires discipline and mental toughness.
To learn more, see weight loss 4 idiots or go to at: http://tinyurl.com/3bsfucw