fat loss to weight loss favorites

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weight loss, Water and Hydration

No weight loss program can be sustained without water. Water is often the missing ingredient in most weight loss programs. And undetected dehydration is the hidden culprit in weight gain mechanism. Our body is 70% water. Water is more important than weight loss diet, weight loss pills or drugs. The only thing that is more important than water is oxygen.

Remember that both the appetite and thirst center are located close to each other in the emotion- oriented mid-brain called hypothalamus. Most obese people, however mistake thirst for hunger. True hunger is neck and throat sensation and not emotional binge like most obese crave food.

When you adequately hydrate the body, weight loss become easier. The toxins and acidic wastes stored in fat tissues are eliminated faster and metabolism to burn fat proceeds optimally. Pure water is supposed to be tasteless, colorless and odorless with a neutral PH of 7.0. More than 85% of bottled and spring water in the general marketplace are all acidic. Tap water is even the worst of all. You don't want to drink is tap water while embarking on a weight loss program.

All water is not created equal. The recommended water for weight loss is alkaline water. Alkaline water has the PH of blood 7.4 and above. Alkaline water hydrates, energizes, and puts the body in healing mode and optimum physiological function. puts the body in a healing mode.

Tap water is heavily polluted with impurities. It is acidic, full of molds, and toxic heavy metals like lead. It is chlorinated and brominated which go to fight your enzymes and good bacteria making your weight loss program difficult. Tap water is also full of other chemicals including aluminium residues. All this factors complicate your weight loss detoxification program.

Don't forget that fat loss to weight loss is a comprehensive and synergistic program. Drinking at least 8 cups of alkaline water daily must be combined with whole food diet, detoxification, enzymes, weight loss pills and exercise.

You are encouraged to take a look at weight loss 4 idiots to learn more about natural, effective and sustained weight loss  program.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Combat Causes of Fat Gain to Achieve Fat Loss and Weight Loss

The first step to achieve natural fat loss to weight loss is to identify and address the causes and contributory factors to obesity. The cure of weight gain or obesity is in the cause. Here are the 11 causes of systemic weight gain:

  1. Poor diet that are full of quantity and no quality: Empty calorie diets that are devoid of nutrients and full of unnecessary calories.
  2. Sluggish thyroid and sluggish liver. These are the two organs of metabolism that burn excess fat. If they are sluggish or over-worked, the body begins to accumulate excess weight.
  3. Hormonal imbalance especially estrogen excess (with progesterone deficiency) and testosterone deficiency.
  4. Leaky gut syndrome, poor digestion and malabsorption syndrome.
  5. Lack of digestive enzymes called lipase. Nearly 100% of obese people lack this enzyme. Prebiotics and probiotics are also necessary to crowd out the bad bacteria, parasites.
  6. Lack of dietary fiber--we need at least 35 grams of fiber daily. Most obese people take far less.
  7. Lack of water or chronic state of dehydration. The cells are thirsty.
  8. Stress, distress and psycho-spiritual factors. The thirst and appetite brain center lie close to each other and could be mistaken for one another.
  9. Auto-intoxication. The fat cells accumulate and store toxins that should have been eliminated from the body. Adipocytes are tiny estrogen factories that produce more excess estrogen that stimulate more fat.
  10. It's a known factor that some obese people have genetic predisposition to gain weight.
  11. Chronic systemic low grade acidification of tissues and blood. If your body is consistently acidic, the body will refuse to lose fat and therefore there wouldn't be appreciable weight loss. This acid condition also sets the body up for chronic inflammation.
So for your fat loss to weight loss plan, this 10 cardinal causes or contributory factors to fat gain must be addressed. Weight gain is a systemic, multi-factorial problem and must be tackled through a comprehensive fat loss to weight loss approach.

Fat Loss, Weight Loss: Diet and Detox Must Come Before Exercise

Concerning fat loss to weight loss, to be forewarned is to be fore armed. Don't start any exercise program too soon. Detoxificaion and diet must take root before exercise. You cannot lose weight overnight; otherwise you gain it all back. Slow and steady always wins the race. Let the weight loss patient comply first to detoxification and diet long before exercise is introduced in any weight loss program. The law of process must be in operation for you to have effective, and sustained weight loss. The problem is not just losing weight but sustained and permanent weight loss program. This is at the heartbeat of natural weight loss plan.