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Monday, August 29, 2011

Weight Loss Pills: Why your Fat Loss Program Will Fail Without Them

Diet and Exercise is only  two third of your weight loss program. It will take you longer and harder to lose weight if you don't add weight loss pills to your weight loss program. Weight loss pills make you lose fat three times better than if you are without them. They also help to curb hunger, sugar cravings, cholesterol control, normalize blood pressure, hormonal balance, liver detoxification and insulin resistance.

Chromium comes to mind. Chromium is trace mineral that has been found to increase the number and efficacy of insulin receptors. That's why another name for chromium is glucose tolerance factor. It acts as a gate keep that opens the door to the liver, muscle and brain cells to let insulin inside the cells to burn glucose for energy thereby promoting normal blood sugar levels. It also inhibits excess accumulation of fat by adipocytes (fat cells).

However, all chromium supplements are not created equal. The common, cheap and less effective brand is chromium picolinate which is not easily absorbed as such take longer time to work. The new and more effective brand is chromium polynicotinate. Take at least 400 mcg twice daily for maximum efficacy. Research has shows that this polynicotinate form provides a more biologically active form of chromium, which is more absorbable and more bio available in your body. Note that if it is not bio available, it is useless as such you are wasting your money.

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